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BISE Abbottabad Board Past Papers 2024-2025

BISE Abbottabad Board 9th, 12th, SSC, 10th, 5th, 8th, Matric, Inter, 11th, HSSC, FA, FSC, Intermediate, SSC Part 1, SSC Part 2, Inter Part 1, Inter part 2, 1st year, 2nd year, ICS, ICOM Past Papers 2024, 2023, 2022 to download online.

biseatd Past Paper 2025 class 9th, 12th, SSC, 10th, 5th, 8th, Matric, Inter, 11th, HSSC, FA, FSC, Intermediate, SSC Part 1, SSC Part 2, Inter Part 1, Inter part 2, 1st year, 2nd year, ICS, ICOM

Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Abbottabad is an important academic board of KPK Province while the districts of Abbottabad, Mansehra, Haripur and Kohistan are under the jurisdiction of BISE Abbottabad. All the schools and colleges, both public and private, are affiliated with Abbottabad Board for their matric and intermediate level exams. BISE Abbottabad organizes matric class annual exams during the months of March and April while the intermediate class annual exams are organized by the board during the months of May and June. For both these classes, written papers are held earlier and they are followed by practical papers for students of science group. Every year, thousands of regular and private students of the above mentioned districts participate in the Abbottabad Board SSC annual exams and Abbottabad Board HSSC annual exams.

Apart from course books, the matric and inter level students of Abbottabad Board also uses BISE Abbottabad past papers for preparation of their exams. These past papers help the students to get good marks in their exams as they provide information about important questions that are repeated by the board and also types of questions that come in the exams. Along with that, the students can also know about the paper pattern through these past papers. Now, the concerned students can easily download the BISE Abbottabad 9th class past papers, BISE Abbottabad 10th class past papers, BISE Abbottabad 11th class past papers and BISE Abbottabad 12th class past papers from this website. Past papers of all the subjects of SSC and HSSC classes are available from the site.

Abbottabad Board grade V & VIII past papers 2025 of all papers are provided to the students and the students will need to read them and they can revise their syllabus by solving the question of BISE Abbottabad 5th & 8th classes past papers 2025. BISE Abbottabad primary & middle classes past papers 2025 is provided online for the information of the students.

BISE Abbottabad Board 5th Class & 8th Class Past Papers 2024, 2023, 2022

BISE Abbottabad Board Matric & Intermediate Past Papers 2024, 2023, 2022

BISE Abbottabad Board Past Papers 2025

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Muhammad Kamran
past paper last 2 year of 2nd year
Abbottabad2025-02-02 07:01:55
5 years papers on chemistry Abbotabad board website class 12
Abbottabad2025-01-10 10:57:44
Sir i need all previous paper in enngg 1st year
Mansehra2024-09-21 03:33:19
Muhammad Shayan
Please send me F.A home economics all subjects past papers of part 2 abbottabad board second year.
Abbottabad2024-05-20 13:23:16
Sanwal Jadoon
Please send me past five years papers of FSC part one computer science
Abbottabad2024-05-18 07:43:40
Hizbullah Khan
Asalam u Alikum Sir Please send me a five year past paper Of Abbottabad board
Abbottabad2024-05-15 14:19:26
Saqib Tanveer
Can you please improve the design of this website. looks so ugly.
Haripur2024-04-20 08:07:19
Dear Sir, I need your help i need past paper FA Second year for Abbottabad Board. Thanks & Regards
Abbottabad2024-03-11 09:16:50
Hira Rukhsar
I need last five years paper of physics class first year
Sargodha2024-02-21 02:06:16
Muhammad Tabass
I m maths teacher any service for me
Abbottabad2024-01-08 21:02:06
Muhamma Mushtaq
AOA, sir i need sample papers for last five years ist year
Islamabad2024-01-03 08:52:24
Muhamma Mushtaq
AOA, sir i need sample papers for last five years ist year
Islamabad2024-01-03 08:46:50
Hammad Fazal
I need last 5 years past paper.
Haripur2023-12-28 03:41:27
Ayesha Saeed
I want past paper of 9 class Pak study plz send me mere paper hai
Mirpur2023-11-08 12:13:02
Awais Khan
I need last 5 years papers abbottabad board plz
Abbottabad2023-10-05 09:34:36
Assalam o Alaikum Mam/sir Hope your are good Please send me All 12 class past papers ..
Abbottabad2023-06-01 08:26:17
Sir/Mam hope you are well Need all the past papers of FSC-1.its a request. JazaqAllah✨
Mansehra2023-05-31 10:10:11
Umais Ahmed
I have no past paper so I take because from 5sala I have idea to see which type of question come in 1st yesr
Abbottabad2023-05-26 03:49:04
Sufiyan Shah
Sir plz mje FSC part 1 ka islamiat,Urdu,Physics, English, Maths, Computer science ka past papers chai
Haripur2023-05-24 09:59:24
Salman Khan
Bhai moje fsc 1st year all past paper chahiye plz bhai Thanks🙏🙇
Abbottabad2023-05-16 10:02:03
Urooj Jan
Sir Assalamoalaikum I need past paper 5 year on medical complete subjects
Abbottabad2023-05-06 06:50:15
Tayyaba Rani
Sir I need past papers of 10 class 2017 to 2022
Havelian2023-04-20 08:33:51
Noman Tanoli
Sir I need past paper 2nd year
Haripur2023-04-14 09:35:39
Muneera Malik
Abottabbad board bio past papers of 2021 and 2020
Abbottabad2023-03-29 14:18:39
Samir Muhammad
Sir 2nd year medical technology OTT ka paper sent kr dian palzzz
Kotli2023-03-12 15:14:35
Ayesha Khan
Want computer science paper 2020 fsc part 2
Haripur2023-03-08 16:12:19
Abdul Rauf
اسلام علیکم sir muja 12 class pre madical ka tmam past paper chiya abbtobad board ka bhht murbani ho gi
Abbottabad2023-02-18 04:09:15
Ghulam Murtaza
I need a chemistry paper ist year
Abbottabad2023-01-13 17:19:38
Ghulam Murtaza
Past papers chemistry ist year
Abbottabad2023-01-13 17:15:42
Syed Muhammad S
I want past papers of Islamiat and Biology of 1st year
Mansehra2022-11-30 07:09:56
Muhammad Aqib
i need matric part 2 past paper of islamiat and pak study 2017 to 2022
Abbottabad2022-09-06 15:16:10
Qamar Alam
I need fsc pre medical second year past papers 2016 to 2021 all paper sent me please
Abbottabad2022-05-11 13:57:37
Muhammad Hasnai
I need past year paper of Biology.
Haripur2022-05-06 09:00:21
Tasnim Ur Rehma
It is very good site to get updated about all educational activities of different boards.
Haripur2022-03-22 05:46:29
Syed Muhammad T
Second year ka all conform
Abbottabad2022-01-25 20:09:53
Can you please upload bio past paper 2nd year
Haripur2021-11-27 07:13:05
Afrah Noor
Send me past papers of biology .... 1st year
Haripur2021-08-01 19:25:33
Aslam o Alikum!!! i need 1st year past papers
Haripur2021-07-27 14:28:24
plz send me past paper of biology
Abbottabad2021-07-18 04:45:16
Syed Hamid Huss
Please Send me matric Ssc past paper 2018/2019
Abbottabad2021-07-12 11:23:53
Muhammad Atif
Please send me 2nd years Arts pass papers
Abbottabad2021-07-02 11:59:57
Plz send me 2nd year paper 201820192020 BISEATD on my Gmail
Kohistan2021-06-17 07:48:38
Qasim Abbasi
I need firstyear abbottabad board past pappers
Abbottabad2020-03-24 15:10:58
Muhammad Akram
Assalamoalaikum, please send me the past papers of statistics HSSC part 1 Abbottabad Board for years 2017 to 2019 at my email address as given above. Thank you. Muhammad Akram SS STATISTICS GHSS LORA DISTRICT ABBOTT ABAD
Abbottabad2020-03-04 14:21:29
Muhammad Akram
Assalamoalaikum, please send me the past papers of statistics HSSC part 1 Abbottabad Board for years 2017 to 2019 at my email address as given above. Thank you
Abbottabad2020-03-04 14:20:13
Mudassir Sharif
wanted to the padt paper and its model
Islamabad2020-01-19 13:22:20
I need to matric science group past papers of recently annual and supply
Mansehra2019-12-04 09:20:03
Muhammad Siddiq
I need the past papers of FSC pre-medical part 1 including recently supply
Abbottabad2019-10-29 10:35:35
I NEED an english paper of 2018 and 2019
Mansehra2019-08-14 14:45:14
Shahbaz Khan
plzz send all humanites papers
Abbottabad2019-03-13 07:10:04

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